Here you will find all of the information you need to join as a new member.


Please note that due to unprecedented demand, membership is currently closed for the categories of Adult / Intermediate / 67+ / Unemployed/ Country / OFF PEAK and Family. OUR WAITING LIST IS CLOSED CURRENTLY (AT LEAST UNTIL AUGUST 2026) DO NOT APPLY FOR FULL ADULT MEMBERSHIP - accounts will be deleted. OFF PEAK membership is NOT AVAILABLE CURRENTLY(social tennis membership not available currently either) - if we feel we have enough space to offer these in the future we will.

The new member application form can be found here.

If you wish to apply for junior memberships for your family please complete the membership form and pay the fees on-line. Details of how to pay on-line will show on screen after you have completed the junior membership application form. Please note that by Full Name we mean first name and surname/family name. We do not need middle names! Membership documents will then be e-mailed out to you soon afterwards. For details on our coaching programme, please see the Coaching tab. Pupils on the Wigmore coaching programme must abide by Wigmore's membership rules - all JUNIORS MUST BE MEMBERS.

*******OFF PEAK MEMBERSHIP CURRENTLY CLOSED as at 24th March 2025***************

If you wish to apply for off peak membership at Wigmore Lawn Tennis Club, please apply for the category of NEW MEMBER, enter your personal details and select a password to be used together with your Member ID when logging in to the system. When you click the button 'Confirm details' a notification will be sent to Wigmore advising us of your application. Once you have been confirmed as a member of the club you will be able to log in and change your password or contact details whenever desired.

Once you have completed the form, PLEASE email us if you want an OFF PEAK membership - we will then e-mail you and let you now whether there are OFF PEAK spaces available.  Please note that we are currently oversubscribed in the adult age groups and new applicants WILL NOT BE PUT ON A WAITING LIST. ACCOUNTS WILL BE DELETED.

*******OFF PEAK MEMBERSHIP CURRENTLY CLOSED as at 24th March 2025***************

We run two membership years, April-March and September-August.

We hope to be able to welcome you as a member of the club in the future, but if you have any questions in the meantime please e-mail and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

Membership Fees Table

2025 - 2026 Membership Fees (as of 1 April 2025)


(2 adults plus children aged 25 & below) £613 NOT AVAILABLE




(19-25 or full-time student, proof must be provided) £135 NOT AVAILABLE

Junior 10-18


Junior 9 & under







(proof must be provided) £140 - not available


NOT AVAILABLE Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm only (plus 6pm onwards Sat/Sun as a trial) £135

*No cash or cheques will be accepted. Payments must be paid by debit card on booking system or via bank transfer. No installments.


The club will consider a refund of subscriptions if members move out of the area and are no longer able to get to the club to play.  Members should write to the Administration Manager at to request this.

Member Testimonials

I love being a member at Wigmore.  I play in the ladies 2nd team, the coaching is fantastic and I’ve met some really wonderful people.

- (Izi Dragonetti)

We love being members of Wigmore and think it is a great club. The whole family get involved!  

- (John O’Dwyer)