Our Fabulous Annual Finals Day
No ticket required, just come down on the day!
Finals Day … the much-awaited climax of the Summer Tournament where a Wimbledon-like atmosphere comes to Wigmore. Our clubs biggest and most hotly contested fixtures are played out out on court for all to see with BBQ, and drinks on the terrace throughout the day. What better way to spend a Summer Saturday?
Finals day is an opportunity to celebrate all is that great about Wigmore. The tennis.. the people... and hopefully the wonderful British summer! Come down and support your fellow Wigmore members in their matches.
There will be fun for all the family during the day and then into the evening we will have someone on the Decks to celebrate our Winners so we can boogy into the evening. There will plenty of activites to keep everyone entertained on and off the court.
No ticket required, come down at any point. Drinks and refreshments can be purchased throughout the day. Order of play will be released nearer the time…